Saturday 15 June 2013

The 8 year gap!

So this one consultant called me about a job I'd applied for. I had relevant past experience and it's the kind of profile I'd find interesting and do justice to. The call went off rather well till such time we reached the bit about my gap from work. Without even questioning the break, she seemed to make up her mind and gave me the good old "will call you if we shortlist you" line.

It really upset me for a while. I wish I could have told her that my break was deliberate and intentional. That the 8 year break was spent raising my two boys. Not wasted. Not unproductive. Definitely not unrewarding! That my skills and work experience from before were not redundant and I'd not lost my ability to manage, learn and get work done! It riles me up to no end to see how homemakers, housewives, stay at home moms are looked let me rephrase that...looked down on.

I'd like to understand why it's such an issue really? Women have babies is but obvious. Women are free to exercise  their choice to take a break, to start and raise a family. Why even question the break?

In fact, once they decide to return to work, it would be a well thought out decision right? Wouldn't you rather hire someone who is now less likely to go on a long pregnancy leave or quit a work place for a maternity leave and then extend it to a long break? I'm done with all that. Wouldn't it make more sense to hire someone like me? Knowing I am not going to ditch work to go get married, go have a baby. I've done that drill.

It's a question I know I will keep encountering in every interview. I just wish the question wasn't met with an instant negative reaction. The question warrants an answer at least. Give me the chance to voice myself. That's the least someone capable enough to hire and select should do. 

Saturday 8 June 2013

Slow and Steady?

Not much progress. Actually there has been progress but maybe not as much as I expected. Then again, I guess my expectations were unreal. I had to tell myself to slow down and think through things. I realized that the only people (namely consultants) who call me are those who view my resume on job portals and search via set key words. My prior work experience simply fetches me job offers related to what I've done. Now how does one work around this issue? 

My writing took a back seat the past week. Writing here that is. Attempting to write anything non personal and fresh proved even more difficult given my state of mind. I finally decided to apply for some courses. Creative writing being a priority. The debate is whether I should do a long distance course or in campus. The idea of getting back to learning is exciting. I'm also trying to brush up on my other software skills. And a course in digital still photography is also tempting me.

The question is where am I going with all this? I wish I had some sense of direction. The thought of taking up a 9 to 5 or regular job doesn't work for me for simply one reason. That is I have to start from scratch and I have to consider working long hours away from home for hardly any money. Ok any money is good money I agree. It's probably still on my mind. I've decided to give myself sometime to at least try for things that interest me before settling for whatever comes my way. 

Meanwhile, it's really been interesting to observe just how people help, try to help or not at all in all this. Not everyone can I know. Not everyone would want to. So I guess I should honestly be thankful for what comes my way and really not focus on what doesn't. 

Still staying postitive!