Friday, 18 March 2016

One step forward. Two steps back.

And so the saga continues...

I didn't think getting a job would be easy. At all. Conversations (read interviews) have been a mixed bag. Some encouraging. Some depressing. Some positive. It's interesting how my resume can look negative to some and quite positive to some! Their are certain mindsets that are willing to look at me as a risk worth taking and there are others who have been downright unforgiving in letting me know how inexperienced they feel I am. Don't people always begin somewhere? Or is it that difficult for people to fathom that a 40 year old mother of two can also step up to the challenge?

The one thing that's apparent is for someone like me, attempting to get back to work is beginning to to feel like a futile exercise. I never looked at myself as lacking or incapable. I may not know it all but I have learnt and I have adapted and I don't mean just at work but in life in general. Isn't life the biggest teacher and the biggest experience? There's a lot of glorification of mothers and motherhood of late. The very same people who say oh being a mother is you're home raising two boys...that's a task in itself? These are the same who when they see you struggle to come back to a job, say "but why would you want to?" or "you don't seem to be the corporate type" or "try writing...that's a simpler thing to won't have to interact with clients" ... etc etc...

There have been some interviewers who have been helpful in giving suggestions. I'm not entirely sure if this a new way of rejecting someone by suggesting they are more suited for other roles but not clearly specifying what? Leaving an already confused me even more so! Honestly if you think I am suited for something, offer me that then? You with years of experience should know best or at least better than I do? So when you don't and you send me away with friendly advice saying take a look at all the things we do, identify a role and come back to us... I'm not sitting here I can pick anything??? I'm thinking if you don't know how to gauge me or identify what I am suitable for, then I probably don't have the skill set for any job!

You could say I am being negative. You won't be the first anyway. But trust me in a world of 20 something super achievers, I have a lot of lost ground to cover. Simply taking a step forward is a challenge in itself and if you can't help in a concrete way and try me out then please don't let me down gently or send me round in circles. Just tell me straight. I am a mother of two boys and one a teen. I don't mince words with him. He's clearly set out for handling disappointments and so is his mother who can take a simple NO. 

Then there is the other type of interviewer who quite seem to derive some morbid sense of pleasure from making you squirm with their questions that aren't meant to know you better or give you an understanding of the job or role, but instead are meant to make you feel like you know zilch! Just like that in a space of 10 mins reduce you to absolutely nothing. Why? Because seriously what can you have learnt in 40 years if you haven't been in a consistent job? Least of all how to book a flight to wherever!

Finally there are those who encourage you and say all the right things but still will hold back. Lets see its in when they say things like "lack relevant experience" ..." too many breaks"...."short tenure in your previous jobs" ... I am not sure why what I might have achieved in the short spans or even when I haven't been in a job is not scrutinized just as much? 

I've kept a very open mind this time. I have applied everywhere for all kinds of profiles. The only thing I am picky about is travel time, weekend offs and starting at a certain salary bracket. I probably don't think like a regular job seeker. I think through every job interview and I look into it keeping in mind that I want to be there for a long time and I want to learn and contribute as much. I'm not looking at a job in terms of where it will take me 5 years from now. I am looking at it as something I want to do and justify what's expected of me.  I know if I settle for a salary less than what I feel I deserve for the said role, I will not work and contribute as effectively. And it's been unfortunate when I have sensed I am being short changed because of my stay at home mom status.  At the risk of maybe offending some who I worked with in my last job, there were a couple of them who earned more than me but I do remember handling and taking on more than they did. Yet I settled for less and it's been my biggest regret. A lesson learnt that I won't repeat again.

That's the story so far. Sadly not a positive one so far but here's to another week of meeting...waiting...hoping....and maybe finally getting what I deserve? We always hope for the best!!!